Video Marketing 101: Know your target audience

Excellent video marketing will capture the attention of your audience and drive them to take action on your product or service.

Rock the Vote executes this video marketing strategy almost to perfection. Rock the Vote, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to engage and build political power for young people in our country. They know their target audience and that allows them to create content to influence that target audience. This type of targeted video marketing allows Rock the Vote to impact the decision making behaviors of their audience. In this example, they want to influence and encourage young people to get out to the polls and vote.

I am sure most people reading this post know who rap artist, Lil’ John is and have heard his popular rap song “Turn Down For What.” If you don’t know who I am talking about, then it doesn’t matter because millennials do. Rock the Vote produced a music video that showcases the famous rap artist along with other celebrities. They are seen voting on the issues that they care about the most. Instead of “Turn Down For What”, Lil’ John repeatedly yells “Turn Out for What” in this remix of his popular song. The message of this music video is to encourage youth to find something their passionate about. Then use that passion for motivation to get out to the polls and vote on it, so there voice can be heard.

This music video, in my opinion, is video marketing at its finest. This video is a perfect example of creating content that caters directly to your target audience. This video appeals and grabs the attention of that young demographic Rock the Vote is trying to reach. They also knew exactly what they wanted their target audience to do after they watched the video, and laid out the call to action for them. Rock the Vote understood and executed video marketing and the five things to know before starting a video project to perfection.

Don’t take my word for it though. I have posted a link to the music video below for your viewing pleasure. What do you think about this music video and Rock the Votes attempt to get young people to turn out to the polls and vote?